My Fellow P&P Lovers, This Might Be Just For You!

I was browsing through my Facebook feed today and I noticed something so adorably cute, I just had to share it with you! It's Pride and Prejudice themed cross-stitch pictures! I couldn't believe it when I saw it and thought, omg I just had to share this. I am currently in the middle of a very large cross-stitch picture myself, but as soon as that is done, I will immediately be picking this one up! I have loved Pride and Prejudice (my favorite book ever) since the first time I read it when I was ten (yes, yes I know that was a long time ago) and pretty much anything to do with it, or Jane Austen in general, gets me all excited! In fact, one of my dearest friends gave me very large and thick hardcover book with all of Jane Austen's works in it and I thought I had died and gone to book heaven! One of the things I really like about this design is that it is reminiscent of the cross stitch patterns of old, better known in history as samplers. Th...