How Do You Know When It's Real?

Hello once again to my lovely readers. It's been a while since we last spoke, but things get pushed back and, in short, life happens. What are you gonna do? As the French say, c'est la vie. Anyways, I meant to write this post a while ago and tell you about this awesome book I got an advanced ARC copy of, but better late than never. In honor of the book's release date and without further ado.... Have you ever wondered what it would really be like to date a rockstar? I mean, I know we all have celebrity crushes and famous people we would love to meet and get to know. But have you ever really thought about the nitty gritty of dating someone famous? Here's another quirk in the scenario for you: what if dating a rockstar was your job and you were getting paid for it? Add in the bonus that your first impression of this famous person was pretty spectacularly bad. I'm talking downright loathing this celebrity. This is the beginning of Erin Wat...